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N2IP Planning Proposal to go on public exhibition

At the November 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to place the Northern NSW Inland Port (N2IP) Planning Proposal on public exhibition.

Council in September endorsed the Planning Proposal and forwarded the proposal to the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (the Department) for assessment requesting a Gateway Determination. The Gateway Determination was issued by the Department on 27 October 2020. The next step in the Planning Proposal process is community consultation regarding the changes outlined in the proposal.

The proposal outlines changes to rezone the N2IP land to part; SP1 special activities, SP2 infrastructure, and E3 environmental management.

The proposed rezoning changes do not affect the current land use on surrounding properties.

General Manager Mr Stewart Todd said Council will continue to keep the affected landholders and the community informed throughout this process.

“Council has been in direct contact with 45 land holders in the area surrounding the proposed N2IP site and has sent 6 separate letters to stakeholders, made numerous phone calls and held one-on-one stakeholder engagement sessions.

“With this planning proposal, Council has very deliberately engaged early and engaged often, exceeding the minimum requirements for stakeholder engagement. For the stakeholders we are ensuring a transparent and courteous process.

“Community participation is an important part of the planning process and Council planners will take submissions into consideration when they complete their comprehensive assessment of the proposal.”

Council will soon advertise community consultation sessions and will also be available for one-on-one appointments to discuss the Planning Proposal.

The proposal will be on public exhibition on Council’s website and at the Narrabri Shire Council Administration Building from December 7 to 25 January 2021 with submissions from the public being invited during this time. For more information please contact Council on (02) 6799 6866.